Pay securely and easily with a digital check
How does it work?PAYMER digital checks can be backed by WebMoney Cryptocurrencies
You can also issue checks with your own collateral.

How it works
Transferfunds from checks to WebMoney and cryptocurrencies
Issue checksof any denomination and make payouts

Use checksto pay for goods and services
Give checksby providing the recipient with its number and code

TransferFunds from the check to WebMoney and cryptocurrencies
Receivepayments in Paymer automatically on your website

Simplicity and security mean you can use Paymer wherever efficiency and guarantee of payment are important
State-of-the-art encryption to protect funds and guarantee complete personal data confidentiality. A check cannot be “recalled” or forged once issued..
Favorable rates
Split checks for free. Fixed 0.8% commission when transferring from one check to another
To transfer a check, it’s enough to provide the recipient with its number and code. A Paymer check can be repeatedly transferred from one owner to another without losing its face value.
Convenient conversion
You can redeem checks and withdraw funds in WebMoney or cryptocurrencies
accepting Paymer checks
Paymer is like paying in cash, but online and as secure as possible.
No card, bank account, or crypto wallet needed.
To accept payment via Paymer, the merchant can: create a payment link accept payments automatically on a website using our API
0% commission
Forget about geographic restrictions, and accept commission-free Paymer checks as payments from customers from all over the world.
Payments made with Paymer checks are instant and irrevocable. Funds received by the merchant are final and cannot be taken back by customers.
How to startaccepting Paymer checks