For Business

Create and deposit a Paymer check.
You choose the denomination and collateral of the check yourself

New Paymer

You can

Issue checks of any denomination

What's more, the check details can be both digital and physical, such as scratch cards.

Make payouts

Pay remuneration without country-based limitations. You don't incur additional transaction costs when transferring checks.

Generate extra income

Become a check distributor and set your own commission.

Accept payment for goods and services

Using our API, easily and quickly automate payment acceptance on your website.

Paymer will help you attract new customers

Paymer is indispensable for users who don't have access to banking products or cannot use national payment cards abroad, as well as for anyone who is concerned about leaking of personal data when paying online.

The Paymer team is open to cooperation with payment systems, credit institutions, and any companies or individuals who want to issue their own asset-backed payment instruments.

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